Online Webinar Hosted by the Northern California CBT Network
*Although offered online, this webinar qualifies for “Live” CE credits because there will be interaction with the speaker.
Despite the availability of evidence-based psychotherapies for anxiety and mood disorders, some individuals do not adequately respond to treatment. In many cases, poor response to therapy is the result of failure to address treatment-interfering behavior (TIB). This workshop will describe a therapeutic approach developed at Saint Louis Behavioral Medicine Institute’s Center for OCD and Anxiety-Related Disorders called Treatment Readiness Therapy (TRT). The presenter will describe the assumptions and components of TRT and demonstrate how to develop interventions specifically designed to help patients modify TIB. The workshop will include lecture, slides, demonstrations, and case examples.
Webinar: Zoom link will be sent to registrants the evening before or the morning of event. (NOTE: Please stay on Zoom after the event concludes to fill out an evaluation to receive CE credit.)
Learning Objectives
- Attendees will be able to identify behaviors that commonly interfere with effective participation in therapy.
- Attendees will be able to describe how to use a cognitive behavioral model to identify factors driving TIB in their patients.
- Attendees will be able to select interventions based on the factors they determine are driving TIB in their patients.
Pollard, C.A. (2006). Treatment readiness, ambivalence, and resistance. In M.M. Antony, C. Purdon, & L. Summerfeldt, Psychological treatment of OCD: Fundamentals and Beyond (pp. 61-75). Washington D.C.: APA Books.
Pollard, C.A. (in press). Management of treatment-interfering behavior. In D. Sookman (Ed.), Specialty knowledge and competency standards recommended for specialized cognitive behavior therapy for OCD. OCD International Accreditation Task Force. Psychiatry Research.
VanDyke, M. & Pollard, C.A. (2005). Psychosocial treatment of refractory Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: The St. Louis model. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 12, 30-39.
VanDyke, M., Pollard, C.A., Harper, J., & Conlon, K.E. (2015). Brief Family Consultation to families of treatment-refusers with symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Does it impact family accommodation and quality of life? Psychology, 6, 1553-1561.

Dr. Pollard is Founding Director of the Center for OCD & Anxiety-Related Disorders (COARD) and Professor Emeritus of Family and Community Medicine at Saint Louis University School of Medicine. He graduated in 1981 from the California School of Professional Psychology-San Diego with a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and received postdoctoral training in anxiety disorders at the Behavior Therapy Unit at Temple University Health Sciences Center. Dr. Pollard is a licensed psychologist who works with a range of obsessive-compulsive and anxiety-related disorders, with a special interest in patients ambivalent about or resistant to therapy. He is on the Scientific Advisory Board of the International OCD Foundation and chairs the organization’s national training initiative: the Behavior Therapy Training Institute. Dr. Pollard also serves on the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Canadian Institute for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders and the Obsessive-Compulsive Cognitions Working Group research collaborative and is former chair of the Clinical Advisory Board of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. He serves as a reviewer for a number of professional journals and conference program committees and has authored more than 100 publications, including 2 books: The Agoraphobia Workbook and Dying of Embarrassment: Help for Social Anxiety & Phobia.
Cost, Refund, & Cancellation Policy
Members, Early registration: $30 on or before 4/30/2021
Members, Regular registration: $35 after 4/30/2021
Non-Members: $45
Interns, Psychological Assistants: $10
Students – No fee
Cancellation: If you register but cannot attend, please cancel your registration. |
Continuing Education (CE) Credit
The San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy is approved to offer 3.0 hours* of continuing education (CE). No partial CE credits are granted.
Those who attend this workshop in full and complete the appropriate evaluation form will receive CE credits. Please note that the San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy will issue credit only to those who attend the entire workshop. Those who arrive more than 15 minutes after the start time or leave before the workshop end will not receive CE credits.
*Although offered online, this webinar qualifies for “Live” CE credits because there will be interaction with the speaker.
The San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy (Provider Approval No.: CEN034) is approved by the California Psychological Association to provide continuing professional education for psychologists. The San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
The San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy (Provider Approval No.: PCE288) is approved by California Board of Behavioral Sciences to provide continuing professional education for Marriage and Family Therapists and Licensed Clinical Social Workers. The San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Disclosure Information
The California Psychological Association and the American Psychological Association require that continuing education providers inform participants as to the source, amount, nature, and disposition of any funding used to support the continuing education activity, whether in the form of educational grants, cash contributions, or in-kind contributions. Individuals in a position to influence course content must also disclose whether they have one or more relevant financial relationships with individuals and companies who have a financial interest in activity content. These individuals include the CE Advisory Committee of the San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy (SFBACCT) and the Steering Committee of the Northern California Cognitive Behavior Therapy Network (NCCBTN).
Institutional Conflict of Interest Disclosure
The San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy does not receive commercial support for any of the continuing education activities it provides.
Individual Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Rebecca Courry, LCSW, NCCBTN Steering Committee, has no relevant financial relationships or conflicts.
Joan Davidson, Ph.D., SFBACCT CE Advisory Committee, has no relevant financial relationships or conflicts.
Janie J. Hong, Ph.D., NCCBTN Steering Committee, has no relevant financial relationships or conflicts.
Nancy Liu, Ph.D., NCCBTN Steering Committee, has no relevant financial relationships or conflicts.
Lynn Martin, N.P., NCCBTN Steering Committee, has no relevant financial relationships or conflicts.
Jacqueline B. Persons, Ph.D., NCCBTN Steering Committee, has no relevant financial relationships or conflicts.
Daniela J. Owen, Ph.D., SFBACCT CE Advisory Committee, has no relevant financial relationships or conflicts.
Robert Reiser, Ph.D., NCCBTN Steering Committee, has no relevant financial relationships or conflicts.
Sharon Smith, M.F.T., M.S.W., NCCBTN Steering Committee, has no relevant financial relationships or conflicts.
Melinda White, M.F.T., NCCBTN Steering Committee, has no relevant financial relationships or conflicts.
Speaker Conflict of Interest Disclosure:
C. Alec Pollard Ph.D., Workshop Leader, has no relevant financial relationships or conflicts.
Questions: Krissy Poole ( or Ayesha Amin-Arsala (