Frequently Asked Questions |
I can’t login to my account to join or renew.If you are renewing your membership for the first time since the launch of our new NCCBT Network site in December 2022, you will need to ask for a password reset. Accounts from the old website will not work on this one. If your membership expired a while ago, you will need to join again on this new website. If you have any trouble, please contact I have forgotten my password. How do I log in?On the Login page, click the Forgot password link to reset your password. If that doesn't work, email Why will the system not accept my credit card?The NCCBT Network only accepts Visa and Mastercard through WildApricot Payment services by AffiniPay. All authorizations or declines come from their system. Please first verify that your Visa or Mastercard is valid and not expired. Though rare, there are instances a card may not be accepted. For instance, AffiniPay may not be contracted with overseas banks that issue credit cards. If you experience problems with your valid and not expired Visa or Mastercard, please email and we will try to help you resolve the issue. Can I still pay my membership fee using Venmo or PayPal?No. For electronic payments, we have transitioned to using Wild Apricot Payments (AffiniPay) to allow a seamless and secure payment process. Credit card information is not stored on our website, but is instead securely transmitted to and stored (if you opt for us to save your information), and processed by AffiniPay. Can I still pay my membership via check?Yes. When checking out during the online registration process, you will have the option of sending a check instead of paying online. Please note, however, that your membership and access to the Google Group will not begin until the check is received and processed. What is the renewal period for membership dues?Your membership lasts for a year from the date you registered. If you are already a member, you will receive notification to remind you to renew your membership starting 30-days before your renewal date. How do I renew my membership?You will be sent an email to renew your membership 30-days before, 14-days before and the day of your renewal. Click on the link in the email and you will be prompted to log into the website. View your profile by clicking on your name at the top of the screen and then click renew. What happens if I don’t renew my membership by the renewal date?If you don’t renew your membership by the renewal date, you will have a 14-day grace period to renew your membership. What if I don't renew before the 14-day grace period ends?If we don't receive your renewal within that time period, you we will be removed from our website and the Google Group.Can a non-cognitive behavioral therapist join the NCCBT Network?We welcome anyone with an interest in learning more about CBT or related evidence-based therapies. But, non-CBT clinicians should know that this professional association’s mission is specifically to disseminate information, and to educate/train local professionals in the theory and practice of CBT. So, this is not a professional association to join unless you are interested in CBT or related evidence-based therapies. Our Google Group content, social events and workshops all support this mission. Entities whose primary focus is on building databases or marketing aggressively are not welcome to join. What are the benefits of membership?Please see our Membership page to see all of the benefits of membership. |
The Clinical Directory allows members of the NCCBT Network to describe their practices and share information about their professional activities with each other. Only members of the NCCBT Network have access to the directory. This is not a directory accessed by the public.
After logging into our website, select Profile if you are not already on that page. Then click on the gray button labeled "EDIT PROFILE" and make your changes. See HERE for more details.
After logging into our website, the Clinical Directory will appear in the main menu. Do a quick search by typing in the name of a therapist you know or selecting the various categories of interest. Go to Advanced Search to do a more detailed search based on every criterion available to search. Click on the clinician whose profile you are interested in viewing. Contact them either by using the button or emailing them directly.
If you do not wish to have your information listed in the private Clinical Directory, click on the "Privacy" link under the "EDIT PROFILE" button, then click "EDIT PROFILE" and uncheck "Show Profile to Others".
The Clinical Directory profiles use common social media image sizes. For profile photos, you’ll get the best results with a square .jpeg format image that’s 110 pixels x 110 pixels. The .png format works, too, though those images tend to be larger file sizes.
If you’ve entered a valid link to a functioning website, please carefully check the url you entered on your profile. In almost every case, users have inadvertently entered a space before, after or between words in the url.
You do not need to enter ‘http://’ or ‘www’ before your url.
If you continue having problems after checking your url for spelling and spaces, please contact us at
Log into our website and select your name in the top left or click here to view your profile. Select Edit and change whichever fields you wish to edit.
Please email if there is a category or selection you think would benefit our membership.
If you don’t renew your membership by the renewal date, we will remove your listing after 14-days.
Yes. Please read the NCCBT Google Group Guidelines HERE.
If you would like to rejoin the NCCBT Network Google Group you will have to renew your membership.
To change the email you use for the Google Group, please email To manage or alter your group subscription preferences, please follow these Google instructions (you will have to be logged in with the email you use for our specific group) or email us. Please note, these are the subscription options:
Being on the NCCBT Google Group is one of the benefits of membership. You will be removed from the group if you are no longer a member. There is usually a 2 week grace period before you are removed.
If you wish to be removed from the NCCBT Google Group, email with "unsubscribe from Google Group" as the subject.
Please contact with any questions.
Please email Katherine Schulz or Sasha Soykin at and your question will be forwarded to the appropriate contact.
Posts are not reviewed in advance by an NCCBT Network Google Group moderator before being posted to the group. If you feel there has been an inappropriate or questionable post, please email Katherine Schulz or Sasha Soykin at and your concern will be forwarded to the appropriate contact.
NCCBT allows posts announcing upcoming workshops, symposia, and other professional educational opportunities. To post, the following criteria must be met: one or more of the presenters must be an NCCBT member; and the topic must cover CBT-related treatment, assessment, or research, or cover methodological approaches used in the said research, or cover training or supervision aspects of teaching CBT. Please refrain from repeated announcements of the same event. Please read our complete Google Group Guidelines HERE.
For those of you who receive the digest or abridged formats of our Google Group posts, you will notice that attachments don't get included in the emails. To access the attachments:
Click on the post header in the email or to go to our Google Group. Please note, you have to be logged in with the email that is used for the Google Group to see group postings. Once there, you will either see the post in question or you can search for the email and download attachment(s).
WorkshopsIs lunch provided at day-long workshops?Yes, for in-person workshops, coffee, tea, snacks, and a catered buffet lunch are offered and covered by the workshop registration fee. Where are the workshops held? Is there parking?Workshops are held either online via Zoom or at the David Brower Center at 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94704, directly across from UC Berkeley, near downtown BART, with free parking underneath the building at the Oxford Garage. What types of workshops are offered?Webinars via Zoom and in-person, one-day workshops for 6 or 7 CE units are offered. Sometimes two-day workshops and half-day workshops are offered. To see a list of previous workshops, visit our Events page. Why is it important to register as early as I can for NCCBT workshops?Early registration offers you a lower price for the workshop, and secures you a place at the in-person workshop, should it become full. It also gives the workshop planners more time to ensure that the event runs as smoothly as possible. How do I register for NCCBT workshops?As member, you will receive notification (1-2 months before the event) that it is time to register for a workshop. The notification will have a description of the workshop. You will be instructed to go to the website ( and click on the link to register where the event is listed. Both the email notification and the website will tell you about the speaker, workshop content, date/time, and available CEUs. What is the purpose of NCCBT workshops?The purpose of the workshops is to learn from experts in the field about evidence-based treatments that fall under the CBT umbrella. Workshop presenters are national, international, and local colleagues. These workshops also provide opportunities to learn about and network with local CBT colleagues. |
Social Networking EventsTypically, how much do the social networking events cost?These events are usually free because the cost is covered by your membership dues. What is appropriate attire for the social networking events?This varies given the day, time, and location of the event. People wear anything from business casual (most) or casual to slightly formal dress. You may choose to wear more casual attire for a daytime event at a Brewery and dress up a bit more at an evening event in the city. This truly depends on the circumstances and the comfort of each individual. How do I register for the social networking events?As a member, you will receive a notification (1-2 months before the event) that it is time to register for a social networking event. You will be instructed to go to the website ( and click on the link to register where the event is listed. Where are the social networking events held?Social networking events are held at beautiful San Francisco venues such as the Hyatt Regency ballroom overlooking Union Square, downtown San Francisco, Epic Steak Restaurant under the Bay Bridge, Park Chalet Restaurant at Ocean Beach, and other venues in the Bay Area. How often are social networking events offered?Social networking events were offered twice a year, however, since COVID, we sadly had to limit these events. We are beginning to reintroduce our socials. Please check our Events to see when the next event will be. Why is it important to register as early as I can for NCCBT events?It is important to RSVP if you plan to attend a social networking event and let us know if you will be bringing a guest. An accurate count of the number of people attending allows the planning committee to order the right amount of food and beverages. If you indicated that you plan to attend a social networking event but later realize you cannot attend, please change your RSVP to let us know. What is the purpose of NCCBT social networking events?Social networking events offer opportunities to meet, socialize, discuss your work/interests, learn about others’ work/interests, and exchange ideas with like-minded colleagues. These events provide opportunities to get to know your Bay Area colleagues and for them to get to know you. It is appropriate to bring business cards to these events and to bring flyers to advertise groups, research recruitment, or other professional endeavors involving CBT and related evidence-based therapies. If you have a question about a social event, please contact Do I need to register for social events or can I show up to events without RSVPing?These events are only open to active members. We prefer you RSVP for the event in advance to have an accurate count for our food and beverage order, however, if you are unable to RSVP in advance, we will likely be able to accommodate you. |